Sunday, January 28, 2007
It's Not Too Bad After All
The partners enjoyed themselves thoroughly despite it drizzled. I think I have ran at least 2km in total with all the running up and down ..... We held a mini competition and I was the record keeper you see..... It was like almost everyone was shouting for me every minute.
All of us were very satisfied with the turnout and I can see my boss is very pleased... hee hee....
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Got Heart No Strength
We are organising an outing to our partners this afternoon to somewhere in the eastern part of singapore....
At the beginning of doing the RSVP late last week, response hasn't been good..... we open up all invites and barely can fill up the numbers we wanted. Finally, we managed to have comfortable turn out and that's just the beginning of disappointment.....
While we do reconfirmation yesterday late afternoon, one said not coming .......
Since this morning, my colleague had receive 2 msgs stating not coming .... we were dammed disappointed lor ..... and we are all crossing all our fingers ... not to rain PLUS NO MORE CANCELLATION !!!!!!
While I do understand many cannot come because of work commitments or children commitment, I simply couldn't believe in falling sick (all at the same time) at the last minute and thus cancel out on people just like that.....
I cannot be felt our efforts to 'reward' them has gone to waste as they do not appreciate us at all... Does all rewards have to come in the form of monetary terms? Or they felt they can happy dun come dun come lor - doesn't matter what, what's the big deal if I dun turn up, not going to make any different what? Is this what those people are thinkg about?
I began to think should we continue to do such things to please our partners who are not appreciative at all..... And will our constant pester on our partners to 'give face' to us to come for our events turn out to be a nuisance soon? Do they think that we are pestering them like a pest?
This brought me back to analyse a survey that we did mid 2006. We asked our partners how many times of sales visit a year from us is considered adequate and all of us are caught of surprise by the replies. More than 80% think twice or 4 times a year is enough ! At that time, we were laughing at ourselves are we so like pests or our partners are just simply too busy to entertain us whenever we pay them a visit.
Nevertheless, I learnt to take things in my stride. Even there are only 10 partners this afternoon, I have to make sure the event carry out smoothly and ensure they enjoyed themselves.
I also began to appreciate every event I am invited too, the hard work people put behind the event to make it a successful one.
My mobile phone 'beeped' again.....
Help !
Just Sebastian (Ah Beng) Mini Concert
My idol, Ah Beng Sebastian threw a mini concert at The Esplanade Recital Studio yesterday and today, 4 1-hour long concerts. It was very informal, nothing very elegantly 'dressed' and the concert was filled with his voice and the piano.
He began the concert with some chinese oldies that he said he grew up with, his mum favourites and followed by English and English of songs, some of them are broadway songs which i know nuts about....
It was free seating and we sat right on the front row and got so up close and personal with him. He's such an actor and there are certain parts during the entire hour that I burst out laughing. He was so cute !
The show supposed to end in an hour's time, however, he was encored out twice after the delibrate encore. His theatre friends from Dream Acamedy and Wild Rice were also present and thanks to his friends, he has to belt out 2 unprepared encore to satisfy the audience. His mum was present too.
The highlight is always when he sing hokkien songs that make the audience happy and hearty ! Probably he should go and record a hokkien album ! He may given get a Platinum record for his album sales ! Ha ha....
This was his very last song at the concert which he did unprepared without the piano. We all just clapped and sang along with him ! This is definitely a bonus ! Unless, his friends decided to show up for another round of support !
Braodway Beng is returning in May, watch out for the early bird sale ! You bet ! You are sure going to catch me there !
Friday, January 26, 2007
Tired, so tired
I always thought I can finish ,or slow down the pace a bit, or even lighten my own workload, I will always find myself be given unexpected task, tasks, taskss, tasksss........ But luckily, our new junior staff (who turned 3 mths old in the company) has been a great help. She can help me in many things, including a lot of the bimbo jobs I have to do.... hee.... She has to potential to be groom.... I'm 'looking good' of her.
So why am I still here?
Dun know from when, I have developed this habit. I must have some time to myself every evening no matter how late I return home. Either sitting in front of the pc, or watching some tv or just flipping thru the newspaper or even magazine. I cannot plonked into the bed rightaway after shower.... funny leh.....
Anyway, whatever, I enjoy the peacefulness you can only find late in the night.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
A sms from fifi on my way home promtped me that I haven't been to gym ....dun know for how many weeks !
Gosh !
I'm not signing on for another year because I am definitely under utilising it and not making the best of my $$.
I told fifi last Saturday that my way of destress now is not a sweat like pig kind in the gym. Instead, I would prefer lazing around at home, watching my DVDs or catching up on my sleep. Another way of destress, well ... the best, spend $$, go shopping ! But I guess I can only do that once in a while ... hee hee .... definitely lazing around is cheaper, or practically free !
Nevetheless, fifi lost 1 gym kah ki ..... she has to keep going to combat class & STOP HER FATTY SUPPER after that. While posting this blog, she sms-ed telling me she had a chicken curry dinner with 'strong & mighty' ! Not so effective after all huh..... aha ha....
While browsing thru some of my pics, I found this !

This was taken on one Saturday after our pym. That mascot was called Luvin' Lionel. It was supposed to be 'groom' to be one of our national mascot (beside the boring Merlion). Before Luvin' Lionel can gin some superstar status, the company that created it 'close shop' liao....
So sad.....
Isn't he cute? So smiley........
Sunday, January 21, 2007
My Shopping
Although I have an event to stress and go crazy about fon Monday onwards, I think I will destress more this weekend by watching more DVDs..... this time round, I'm going to watch the taiwanese version of 'Bai Se Ju Ta', starring handsome boy, Jerry Yen....hee hee hee......
And I also remembered I have not shared with you what I have bought during my last holiday to Korea and Hong Kong.....
Still remember I mentioned in the earlier post that I bought only 2 items in Korea? Oh well, here they are.....

These 2 items are really well worthed purchase. The pink pullover contaims wool on the inner layer and thus will provide better warm.... and I got it for W 10,000 (approx. S$ 16) ! As the 2 brochures, I paid W 3,000 (approx. S$ 5.10) each. I have been looking for simple brooch like the giant safety pin and I cannot find it in Singapore. As for the doggie, I found it's cute and also decided to carry it home.
Immeidately, upon arrival in Hong Kong, we made a trip to 'Lui Yan Kai' (Women's Street) in the evening and I laid my eyes on this bag..... It's quite a steal and I paid HK$ 70 (approx. S$ 14) for it.
We shopped around Mongkok after that and my must-go place in Hong Kong is definitely Espirit outlet which sell over fashion mechandise. In fact, it is not so bad and many of them are still very fashionable. I bought a purple/white skirt only. Can't find any nice tops and I'm a little sad.
While Alvin is busying dartin in and out of those sport shoe shops. This big G2000 attracted me... I never like to buy pure white shirts because I was simply too lazy to separate wash each time and thus my white shirts always tur yellow very fast. However, these 2 white shirts caught my eyes and I like it so much after trying them on and decided to purchase both.
I was extremely happy when we returned to hotel. Within that 3 hours, I actually managed to buy so many things !
Next day, we headed to Macau and Zhuhai. We went to our favourite brand shop, Yishion, and I take a liking to this particular jacket only. It cost me last than S$40. I particularly liked the flower prints on the army-like jacket.
Alvin got more stuffs than I in Zhuhai. Before we headed back to Macau, the must-visit underground shopping centre that connects the immigrant to the shopping street, I bought 2 pairs of shoes at S$12.00 each pair.
You will be even more amazed that I bought even more things within 2 hours on the last day of the Holiday where we are supposed to be picked up at 1pm. I got myself 3 skirts in this particular shop on Granville Road. Buy 1 or 2 - 20%, buy 3 or more - 30%. .... So you now why I bought 3 then....... They are not worn yet, for CNY then !
We went over to a thrift shop where Alvin bought some Nautica shirts are sky-dropping prices. I got myself the checkered bermudas, costing not more than S$ 16. I though it was quite cool. The last stop was Giordano. The range here are so good that I like almost everything.... I bought 2 more curdouroy bermudas, a shawl-like cardigan, 3 long-sleeved t-shirts that I become Giordano's member ! What makes me excited was it can be used in Singapore, Malaysia, etc, too !
We managed to return to hotel by 12.30pm and after some quick packing and stuffing, we checked out and awaits for the coach to come and bring us to the airport.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Auto Roaming Charges
Here's how the charges goes for thr roaming charges in my latest mobile phone bill....
per SMS text from Malaysia Celcom $0.60 (it goes up ! When? It used to be $0.50 only !!)
per SMS text from South Korea - KTF network $0.22
per SMS text from South Korea - SK Telecom $0.54
per SMS text from Hong Kong - SmarTone Vodafone $0.69
The best part is the one and only MMS I've sent for the entire holiday and it's sent from Korea.... cost me $0.17 !!!!!!!!
The moral of this post .... send more MMS when you are in Korea......
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Francis Ng
He was one of my favourite actor nowadays. Although I dun really like his 'curry - pok' hairstyle in the pilot show (HKG serial), but he does act quite well, especially the recent few movies on HKG police/theives movies.
I read from the papers the next day after the news and he was going to give a 'talk' at NLB (The Pod) the next following day, Saturday (06Jan) at 12nn. Admission is free and required to RSVP via email. I hurriedly RSVP 2 seats for Alvin and myself. Unfortunately, he can't go so I proceed on my own.
Hee hee...I never regretted the trip. I never once before get so up close and personal with a star at all - in a very orderly and cosy setting. No crazy, yelling fans - thank you.
I arrived at about 11.45am and there was already a queue and it turned out to be the waiting list queue. Hee the NLB personnel cross-checked my names and off I'm in the lift to Level 16 - The Pod.
The minute I stepped out of the lift. I gave out a WOW !!!!!! The view up there was awesome, 270 degree unblocked view. You are able to see the sea, right from Shenton Way (on my right) across to ......errr..... dun know lah.... but can see Marina too !
It was free seating and I managed to get a seat in the 3rd row..... wow.... I never get so up close and personal with a star !
So, the wait goes on and on and on ....... the host of the session is Yang Jun Wei. And still wait and wait and wait...... I thought to myself,'s already 12.30pm, dun tell me he is going to appear for half an hour and goes off...
Finally ! Francis Ng appear !!!!! Oh my god, he is so dashing........ handsomely dark charming.... Don't believe me? See for yourself !

He was supposed to give a talk on the darker side of Asian movies but it ended up more like an interview. It was like Jun Wei asked questions and he answered. The whole conversation was im manadarin and he was speaking much more fluent mandarin then we have seen during the recent Star Awards ceremony. But he shared a lot and he was a very funny man. He gave funny and cracky answers sometimes that made the audience so laughed so many times.
Here are some clips of the interview.
He stayed for entire 1 hour and he was also very obliging to ask the audience questions. When he was about to go, the crowd got excited a bit and moved forward, NLB staff was worried and quickly ushered him away.
The lift was jammed packed and I visited the toilet before going off. And so, I also caught a glimpse of his singaporean wife, ex-tcs artise, Wang Li Ping. She was very fair and haggard. I was surprised she has such heavy eye bags....hmmm.... taking into consideration she is a tai tai now.....
Anyway, I like to announce : Francis Ng has become one of my idol now ! hee hee.....
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Korea & Hong Kong vacation Dec 06 – Part 8
Because we missed the night shopping yesterday evening, I better make better use of the rest of the hours before the transfer pick us up at 1pm to go to the airport.
We left the room at 9am and went back to Tsim Sha Tsui for breakfast. I told Alvin I wanted to go ‘Tang Chao’ (sweet dynasty) for breakfast as I want to have their famous soya beancurd. He went into the wrong restaurant and we had no choice but to eat something first. Then we went to ‘Tang Chao’ which is 2 doors away and wanted to continued our breakfast and definitely the beancurd ! It was very crowded and we put in our order. However, it never came and 30 minutes had passed. To my dismayed, many orders including ours were not entered into the computer and thus not sent to the kitchen to prepare. Meanwhile, a senior staff then keyed in the stack of orders. Alvin went to collect his jacket that we promised to go back and take the day before and I continued to wait. I chased and chased again and finally the dim sum was served, no beancurd. I gave another 5 more minutes, still no beancurd. By then, I was fed up already as I got no more time for shopping ! We cancelled our order and left VERY UNHAPPY.
We shopped along Granville Road and I got myself 3 skirts on sale, a pair of Bermudas. Alvin got himself 2 short-sleeved Nautica shirts at a bargain. I got some more stuffs at Giordano and became a member when I spent HK$500 (approx. S$100) which benefits can be utilised in Singapore. While Alvin went to get a roast goose for a friend who is coming to airport to fetch us, I returned to pack in our shopping. My luggage nearly burst with all my squeezing.
The transfer was late and only pick us up at 1.20pm and go on to pick up others despite the traffic jam in the city. We only reached the airport at 2.40pm and rushed to check in. We had a quick lunch as we had to go find ‘Wing Wah’ to buy egg rolls. Alvin keep hassle me to find the shop that I missed catching a glimpse of Karen Mok ! So saying…but I since her back view and apparently, she is not very tall that I expect her to be but she definitely have a good figure. We bought a total of 10 boxes of ‘Wing Wah’ which was never us but we wanted our friends and family to try the egg rolls as it is indeed very nice.
Pollution was indeed bad in HKG. Can you imagine that a plane in front of us that just taken off 30 seconds ago was nowhere to be seen. It ‘disappeared’ into the fog ! So scary….
Although the stay in HKG is short, however, we enjoyed best for the entire holiday. Probably because of the shopping and food that plays a big part in our holiday experience.
Finally, it’s home sweet home…… but I have a whole loadful of laundry to do…..
Korea & Hong Kong vacation Dec 06 – Part 7
Woo hoo ! We did not get off the bed until 8.30am !
So today’s plan is go Macau, have noodles at a shop near the Guan Yin statue, go over to Zhuhai for shopping, MUST return to Macau by 3pm to have ‘chu pa bao’. Visit Fisherman’s Wharf , Sands and Wynn. Return to Hong Kong, continued to shop at Tsim Sha Tsui.
Sounds good, achievable…. Great ! We left the hotel at 9.15am and head to Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon, Ocean Centre (beside Royal Pacific Hotel) to take the ferry to Macau. There are ferries every 30 minutes and to our surprise, all ferries are booked and the earliest next available is at 11.15am. ecause of New Year’s holiday approaching, the ferry company actually increased the schedule to every 15minutes one ferry. So, we had no choice but had to give the noodle shop at Macau a miss and had our breakfast at a local ‘yum cha’ restaurant. Since we still have time to spare, we did shopping lor. Alvin was happy there are sales for winter clothing even though it’s the beginning of winter season in Hong Kong. He was delighted when he managed to get a good quality winter jacket at a sale price of HK$ 169 (aprrox. S$33.80). As we are going to Macau, we paid and left the jacket with the shop, promised to return later in the evening to collect it.
The ferry journey to Macau was longer then expected, 1 hour 15mins. What was frustrating is the immigrant officer at the queue was at in took SOoooooooooo LONG to clear each traveller. I was extremely annoyed when people on the other queues were moving and ours is not. By the time we cleared the custom at Macau, it was 1.10pm. We took a cab and headed straight to the border of Macau and Zhuhai.
AI YO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The queue there was incredibly long…….lucky this time, the Macau custom cleared faster than the one at the ferry terminal, possible because of the mass of people here. In fact, the border crossing between Macau and Zhuhai was so much shorter than we go JB. It was less than 5 minutes walk after your cross Macau custom and moved on to Zhuhai custom. The queue was equally long but fortunately they had lanes for Hong Kong citizens, lanes for China and Taiwan citizens, lane for foreigners. Though it’s long, but the clearance was fast but we still wait for about 15 minutes. Finally we are in Zhu hai ……
Actually, there is ferry from Hong Kong Tsim Sha Tsui Ocean Centre to Zhuhai. We could have take a ferry and skip all the frustration at customs. However, to our knowledge, the ferry terminal in Zhuhai was much further away from the city centre and anywhere beyond the shopping street in Zhuhai is considered dangerous for a foreigner. So well, we rather have the frustration than anything else worse we want to think off.
Zhu Hai
So after you cleared the Zhuhai custom, walk straight across the open space to the roads. Cross the 2 way traffic road. Turn right immediately after crossing and walk (about 2mins if u dun stop to browse) along a row of shops selling CDs, hair salons, until you see the tiles on the floor turn yellow. Turn left into that big street and you are on the shopping street on Zhuhai. It’s a long street with many many shops and this is where you can shop and shop and shop. I managed to buy a jacket and Alvin went on to buy 2 winter jackets. We like to buy winter clothing in China and Hong Kong because they are of very good quality and reasonably priced. In addition, all their winter clothing can be laundered in normal washing machine. Which mean I dun have to spend extra money to bring to a laundry shop to dry clean or wash it.
After completing the street, we walked back to the direction of the Zhuhai custom. Crossing back the road, you can head down the underpass which will bring you to a whole floor of underground shopping. What is worthwhile to get here is women’s shoes and accessories. Lines and lines of shops can be found at various shops. But I suggest you can just stick to 1 shops because apparently, if they don’t have stock in this shop, they actually went over to another one to get the sizes. They seem to belong to the same owner. I bought 2 heels, cost me RMB 58 (approx. S$ 11.60) and RMB 68 (approx. S$ 13.60) each… hee hee hee… I was so delighted !!!!!
The fad in imitation now in China and Hong Kong is fake Tiffany & Co. Exactly the same colour of boxes and paper bags, silver with the same Tiffany brand embossed and there’s no way you can tell the difference from a real Tiffany.
Macau (again)
By then, it was almost 4pm and I can heard the ‘chu pa bao’ calling me. We followed the directions and headed to the escalator that will bring us right to the entrance of Zhuhai’s custom. We took about 50 minutes to clear both customs and quickly hopped into a taxi. I showed the taxi driver the name of the place (Taipa Island) that we wanted to go… I told the taxi driver in cantonese,
‘I want to go here, ‘tam zai’. The place with very famous ‘chu pa bao’. The lady taxi driver replied without hesitation, ‘oh…Tai Lei Loi Kei’. Wow ! It was indeed famous. She drove us and dropped us right in front of the shop.

It was that crowed already but no one seem interested to take our order….. Finally when we managed to stop 1 shop assistant, we were disappointed that the ‘chu pa bao’ were sold out but we managed to try the ‘chu pa’ toast. Same pork chop…hee hee…. Pardon my teeth print on the toast…I was so eager to try that I forgotten to take a picture…. We also had curry fishballs and sotong combination. It is very nice too. I tried the traditional Macanese milk tea also. A lot of milk and I like it a lot. Initially Alvin said it was salty, as he ate, it become delicious and he goffled down a bowl of pork chop ‘kuay tiao’ soup and a plain piece of pork chop !

You must be wondering what so great about this pork chop bun that I keep mentioning it non-stop. I caught a HKG food TV programme 1 day recommending this pork chop bun. The bun itself was made traditionally baking in a firewood lit oven, baguette type of bun. Pork chops are marinated thoroughly with brandy used. They only start selling the buns at 3pm and it is long queue everyday and all the buns are sold out within 3 hours.
Next time if you go to Macau, spend some time to go there to try it. After which, stroll along the tranquil streets of ‘Tam Zai’ and admire the preserved heritage building with European accent.

We decided to go back and buy the ferry tickets for 7pm ferry before touring Fisherman’s Wharf. To our horror, all the ferries to Kowloon were sold out ! The earliest available was 11.45pm !!!!!! We quickly ran over to another company that the ferry will reach Hong Kong island, Sheung Wan . The situation was equally bad and the earliest available was 9.15pm. The counter gal was frustrasted as we were hesitating and she raised her voice…. ‘do you want the tickets? Last 2 seats already’. The minute we heard that, we quickly threw her the money. So lucky !
So, we had about 4 hours to spare. We decided to go over to Fisherman’s Wharf after it is dark, so we waste time at Yaohan which is just opposite the ferry terminal.
Fisherman’s Wharf (located beside the ferry terminal) was officially opened on 24 Dec 2006 and there are many restaurants there. I was captivated by the buildings and keep snapping pictures. Sands casino was just opposite and there is no way you will not noticed the big word ‘Sands’ whenever you go at the Wharf.

We headed over to Sands ‘entertainment centre’ hopping to find cinema and realised the entire complex is casino and that’s the only entertainment. We dun gamble but we moved around seeing people’s play. There was a performing stage and there were some HKG artistes performing. UI can recognise both artistes but dun know their names and apparently they used to be at TVB and they have now moved to ATV. We had drinks at the bar and enjoy the entertainment for the rest of the evening until it was time to go back to the ferry terminal which is only 10 minutes walk away.

The ferry was took back to Hong Kong was faster in speed but unfortunately we hit the rough seas at one time and the ship was going up and down like roller coaster. I can feel my heart sinking each time the ship goes down. I really hated that feeling and that is why I dun like to take roller coaster. I grab on to Alvin’s hand so tightly and cried during that ordeal. And because of the up and down, I vomited….boo boo….. all ‘chu pa bao’ gone….
Hong Kong
We reached Hong Kong island Sheung Wan finally and safe ! By then it was almost 11pm and we thought shops might still be open at Tsim Sha Tsui but no, many were closed. So, we can’t shop anymore and returned back to hotel to call it a day.
It has been such a long tiring day. Custom and ferry was horrendous much to the credit of the New Year’s holiday. Anyway, we are already planning for a more relax 3 cities holidays in Spring.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Korea & Hong Kong vacation Dec 06 – Part 6
Yay ! Yay ! Last day to be woke up at 7am ! Breakfast as usual will be out of hotel. So we packed our bags and set of at 8am. Breakfast was better as compared to the day before. The soyabean milk also tasted smoother and richer. Beside the Korean porridge, there was spaghetti too ! Everyone was thrilled and we almost finished to whole tray of spaghetti.
1st shopping stop – ‘Dong Chong Xia Cao’ Shop
Again, the 1st stop of the day was a shopping one. It is promoting Korean cordyceps. Unfortunately, I am not interested. Luckily, someone in the group saved the day by making some purchase.
It will be 1 hour and 30 minutes drive back to Incheon. Seven began selling the pictures he had taken for the tour for the past days. Each picture cost W5,000 (approx. S$8.50) and I actually prepared to buy 4 pictures at W 20, 000. Seven tie the bundle of pictures nicely as per family and ours contain 7 pictures. They were all very nicely taken including the 2 group photos. He had also been very helpful throughout the whole trip. So, we bought all the 7 pictures and Seven was very grateful and shouted a big ‘xie xie’ to us and gave Alvin a hug. In fact no one in the group actually took out a picture and all families received big ‘xie xie’ from him. As I mentioned before, he will not receive any allowance nor tipping therefore, everyone was generous with him.
This is Seven, the one on the left.....

After which, Rosa went on her rounds to collect the customary (compulsory) tipping for the driver and herself. The guideline was US$ 4 per person per day for both of them.
LAST sightseeing stop – WolMiDo Island Seagull Cruise
Today is the coldest of the 6 entire days we had spent in Korea. It was so chilly that it really put you off immediately that you are going to get off the coach. The chill just get right into your brain.
And the irony is, we are going on a cruise ! Gosh ! It’s going to freeze like hell lor…… Fortunately, the coach can drive right onto the ferry and we just have to get off the ferry and go onto 2nd storey to enjoy seeing seagulls flying with us. Everyone rushed to the one and only F & B counter and nearly bought away all the hot chocolate available. Ha ha, and what did I do….ate an ice-cream again ! Seagulls keep flying along our cruise because the kids are feeding them with biscuits. The cruise across the island took about 20 minutes.

LAST shopping stop – Korean Local Product Shop
The coach got off the cruise and we headed to a Korean shop that sell lots of seaweed, souvenirs, biscuits, sweets, all edible stuffs of Korea, and souvenir too. It is only 20 minutes’ drive away from the airport. After your shopping, this shop actually will pack all your stuffs into cartons and tie them up nicely so that you can check it in.
And then off we depart for airport and Rosa completed his service by doing the check in for us and painstakingly re-arranged our seats so that each family will be seated together. We bade goodbyes to her and Seven and to lovely Korea.
If you ask me, ‘Will I go Korea again for holiday?’ If I had a choice, I will not go. Personally, Korea is not one of the holiday destination in my list. Secondly, I not a Korean drama fanatic so nothing adds to the draw. Besides Yong Pyong Ski Resort as our favourite highlight of the entire holiday, nothing else is comparable. I definitely disappointed by the shopping. Even if I am to go again in other season where I’ll be able to get suitable clothing for Singapore’s weather, I doubt I will part with any money. It’s just simply too expensive for something you know doesn’t worth it at that price. How to buy like crazy for medium pocket tourist like us. Furthermore, you can't bargain at the pasar malam, where's the kick then. There wasn’t any fantastic sightseeing as all architectural sites are similar to China yet at a smaller scale.
On the whole, I enjoyed myself in Korea and that it. Nothing more, nothing less.
Hong Kong
We arrived Hong Kong as scheduled and transfer was provided. We changed our hotel to Prudential (located at Jordan) as I wanted downtown so that I can do shopping anytime. The hotel room welcomed us with HUGE king-sized bed, spacious bathroom and a lot of floor space to throw my baggage and shopping bags.
This hotel is in a fantastic location where 1 of the exits to the MTR station is located beneath the shopping mall which is linked to the hotel. It’s a 10 minutes walk away from Parklane in Tsim Sha Tsui. You will not feel the distance you have walked because the shops along the way will keep you very busy.
We headed to Ladies Night Market at Mongkok at about 8.30pm. We had our 1st bowl of fishball noodles at a roadside stall since the last 6 days and it was simply delicious. I also insisted to have a ‘Xu Liu Shan’ mango dessert drink which is a must whenever I visit Hong Kong. Shopping in Hong Kong was fantastic. Shops do not shut down at 10pm. Some closes at 1pm, some at 12 midnight. The streets are still busy with people at 10pm. In less than 2 hours, I bought for myself 1 bag, 2 shirts, at a deal. I was simply delighted !
I’m even more looking forward to the trip to Macau and Zhuhai tomorrow.
Pork Chop Bun – here I come !
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Korea & Hong Kong vacation Dec 06 – Part 5
We were back in Seoul and Rosa told us that drive between each sightseeing stop will not be longer than 30 minutes. So you can imagined my dismay when she announced the morning call will be 6.45am and we are setting off for breakfast at 7.30am !!!! Grrrrr……we are back into city, why do we have to wake up earlier…… Breakfast will be provided outside the hotel with ‘you tiao’ soyabean milk promised.
So, I reluctantly soothed my mind with the ‘you tiao’ and soya bean milk that’s waiting for me……. Indeed, you find both but the ‘you tiao’ is as hard as stone ! It will bounce back if you throw it onto the floor. Probably because of the cold weather that it somehow hardens…….
It was funny, the weather turned chilly when we are at Seoul. Very icy kind of cold….
Today is like a spend money day. Rosa brought us to more places to spend money then sightseeing !
1st shopping stop – Ginseng Shop
After breakfast, we are brought to a Ginseng shop which was approved and appointed by the Korean government. The same hard sell tactic which I’m least interested in. Well, of course they more you buy, the merrier they are. But there is always at least 1 ‘saviour’ in every tour that will fall for such thing and spend at least 1 item. Definitely not me ! Hee hee…..
2nd shopping stop – The Face Shop
We are introduced to this new peeling gel by Face Shop which is only available in Korea. Well, women are forever women, no need explanation with hard facts, as long as it will make you prettier and with good skin, they will be willing to spend money on cosmetics. Each one (woman) of us ended buying a bottle of the peeling gel PLUS many many more cosmetics items ! Among the group, regular users of The Face Shop vouched the prices in Korea is almost half the price in Singapore. Thus, more of us are convinced and ended up buying more. I found a lot of fascinated stuffs and also went to cashier with basket full of things.
When I returned to Singapore, I actually make a trip to The Face Shop and found none of the items I bought can be found. Either, those in Seoul are outdated which I truly believed this is definitely not, or it’s the latest items in The Face Shop and Singapore has not import it yet.
1st sightseeing / 3rd shopping stop – The Kim Chi School
Finally, we had something to see and do. We were greeted with Da Chang Jin music and a brief history and nutrition value of kim chi. It has in fact 4 times as much as the lacto bacilius as compared to yoghurt drink and kim chi has been labelled by WHO as the 4th most healthy food in the world.
We are going to make our own kim chi !!!!!!! See Alvin doing a short demonstration.
How do you find my kim chi?

Or Alvin’s one is better???

Hmpf !!!!!! I know the answer....dun have to tell me.....
You can bring back the kim chi you have made. But since we are going Hong Kong, we thought better not. So, I ended up buying a packet of the Da Chang Jin kim chi coz I like kim chi in Korea.
We actually do not have this in the itinerary. Because our original itinerary includes a coffee drink at the popular Wedding Café. Many Korean women are not marrying and in order to fulfil their dream to wear the gown gowns, such cafés sprung up where they can wear wedding gowns to take picture. As our group has many children and 2 honeymoon couples, so Rosa suggested to change it to make kim chi which includes wearing Korean hanbook to take pictures, so all of us agreed to change the itinerary since there is no extra cost.
An – Yo – Ha – Sey – Yo !!!!!!! Can pass off as a Korean ???? Hee hee hee……

It’s lunch time finally and our wallet get to rest…. Hee hee hee…. We are having Bi Bim Bab, my favourite ! It’s was Alvin first try and he also like it a lot ! Yummy ! One of the best meal I had in Korea !

2nd sightseeing stop – DeokSuGung Palace
This is the palace where the Korean King lived. The Korean dynasty was gone in 1911 after the Japanese invaded and took over Korea. The last Korean king continued to live in the palace even after the Japanese invasion until he died.
It’s so coincidence that we saw the imperial Korean guards ceremonial march. It’s a bit like the London changing of guards but just that there is no change of duty.
The design of the palace and even the throne is very similar to the Chinese design. The words are all in Chinese and even the ranks of the officials are also very similar to the Chinese. In fact, all the temples we had visited over the past few days are also very Chinese. Then I got to know from Rosa that before the Japanese invasion, Korea was like a god-brother to China, an alliance, and thus many things were associated to Chinese. Before the creation of the Korean language and writing, ancient Korean actually read and write in Chinese words.
As Korean is considered like a step or little brother to China, the leader of Korea cannot be named Emperor as in the world, there can be only ONE heaven’s son and that’s the Chinese emperor, so leader of Korean can only be known as King. Korean king cannot donned dragons but the ceiling of the place must have dragon to signify his status and the relationship to the Chinese emperor.
4th shopping stop – Amethyst (purple) Crystal Shop
Rosa brought us to another appointed specialty shopping. They specialise in producing purple crystal and it’s highly mark up lor. I’m totally not interested so no comments here.
3rd sightseeing stop – NamSanGol Hanok Village
It is a traditional Korean village restored during the Joseon dynasty. It is nested quietly in the midst of a busy city and skyscraper. Apparently, there some filming or period drama or show at the moment we are there. But our group aunties cannot relate to any Korean superstar leh….so must be some small fry lah….. It was very relaxing in the surrounding by the pond.
5th shopping stop - Itaewon
We asked for some time for shopping at Itaewon. It is the nightlife place where you can find karaoke joints, bars and night clubs here. There are also some shopping here and that’s why we asked to come here. The famous Korean prostitution is also located in the area. Because of the American army is based nearby, this has become the frequent haunt of the Americans. American troops have been staying in Korea due to the demilitarised zone between the north – south border.
However, the shopping also proved to be a disappointment. The shops lined on the 2 sides of the roads. Things are sold to cater to the Americans. Still many imitation bags…. So we just walked around for experience and returned back to the coach earlier that the meeting time.
6th shopping stop – Myeong Dong and NamDaeMun
Myeong Dong district (can read as Ming Dong) is so far the best shopping I find. Shops are all over the place and definitely sell the most in fashionable stuffs. There are a lot of eateries around, pasar malam lined on the main streets and I cannot stop browsing. Things inside the shop are expensive and so – browsing only ! Pasar malam sell a lot of accessories stuff and I spend quite a long time admiring them. But I ended up buying 2 brooches only that cost me W3000 (approx. $5.10) per piece. We had a fun time here.
Myeong Don and NamDaeMun are located directly opposite each other separated by a big road junction.
However, moving over to NamDaeMun district is like moving from heaven to hell. NamDaeMun has pasar malam too but it reminds me of those shabby pasr malam where I seen in China before. They sells outdated fashion stuffs and things more suitable for aunties and uncles. It also looks like a wholesale place for hardware stuff. We actually wanted to buy the metal spoons and chopsticks that we had been using in Korea for every meal. Bit we didn’t buy any at shop owners there ‘labelled’ their price with a lion’s mouth and no discount. So sian, right ,… you can imagined…No discount, no bargaining…where got excitement……. We got disappointed after a while and returned back to Myeong Dong after 30 minutes.
We actually thought we might like to shop late. After a round of recee and the freezing temperature, we ‘kwai kwai’ joined the group punctually for the transport back to hotel…
Oh no ! Packing the bag is waiting for me !!!!!! But this time, we are miving down to Hong Kong !!!!!! Yay Yay !!!!
Korea & Hong Kong vacation Dec 06 – Part 4
Morning call still at 7am and breakfast at 8am. We had a good night sleep although we were sleeping on the floor with mattress only. Probably because of the pillow. It is the traditional small rectangular pillow filled with beans, like those slept by ‘Da Chang Jin’. It was really comfortable.
1st sightseeing stop – Mt Sorak National Park
We left the hotel at 9am sharp for Mount Sorak National Park. This is also the park where the bears (in safari world) are found. We took another group picture at the entrance where they had a statue of the bear.
It was a long stroll into the park to visit a Buddhist temple, about 20 minutes. Along the way, there is a Buddha statue and picturesque scenery to snap the camera away. Finally, we reach the temple ……
2nd sightseeing stop – SeongGukSa Temple
According to Rosa, you do not need to enter to the temple to pray to the Buddha. You can stand at any part in the square, as long as you can see the Buddha, you can pray and make your wish.
3rd sightseeing stop – DaeBoHang Seafood Market
We make a short stopover at a live seafood market. All the seafood there are sold live. You can then ask the seller to cook for you immediately for you or you can bring them back to do your own cooking. Of coz we cannot buy any so we spend some time to have a look.
I was more interested in the Korean aunties selling seafood and those aunty hawkers…. All of them have a common trait…they all wore make up ! Even the old old granny don at least lipstick and eyebrow pencil. So cool…….
Our very own Singaporean aunties (among the tour group) decided to do some bargaining. After some haggering, our aunties got chase away ! Ha ha ha…bcoz the seller couldn’t agree on the price from our aunties and to stop the bargain process, the Korean woman simply signalled them to leave her dried cuttlefish stall…. Ha ha ha….they are really direct and this leave no room for shopping excitement…
We had an early lunch and this time, no pork. We had a seafood hot pot ! Steaming hot with prawns and sotong, still with lots and lots of vege !
We began our 4 – hour coach ride to Seoul immediately after lunch with just a 15 minutes break along the highway. However, the driver was way too fast, so much to the horror of Rosa who had to remind him to slow down a few times….
4th sightseeing stop – DongDaeMun
DongDaeMun is the name for the whole district and it does not specifically mean a building or mall. We were given 3 hours to shop.
We headed straight to the famous wholesale district in Seoul ! We were dropped off in front of this 7 storey shopping mall called DooTa ! Each level sell different kind of goods for example, level 1 is reserved for females’ clothing, level 2 for men’s clothing, level 3 for shoes and bags…and so on…… The stall in there are very small in shop area and all the bosses there are the youngsters. Something like those little shops we have in Heeren and the 2nd floor of those shops opposite Bugis junction. We trekked level by level by the price tag on each item is SUPER EXPENSIVE lor !!!!!! You couldn’t bear to part the money for the items that you took fancy on. Alright, you may say that they carry the most fashionable trend of items in the region but for me, I still wouldn’t part the kind of money for it. But I do agree that the fashion sense is really on the top of the region. Even though, it’s selling winter clothing but I do drool over those clothing. Whereas, talking about bags, there are still a lot of imitation of luxury brands around. Whenever I walked near a bag stall, the owner will whisper something to me, initially I think nothing of it. But as I move from stall to stall, I finally knew that they actually wanted to know I am looking for Grade A imitation bags ! Ai yo !!!!!!!
And oh yes ! Item which a price tag cannot be bargain. Item with no price tag also seem to be not able to bargain. The owner named the price, you like you buy. No discount. I’ve heard this umpteen times during the 2 days in Seoul.
We moved on to the next building, called Migole, which sells similar things. So, we existed at less than 30 minutes. There’s also another building called AMP. We skipped that as we knew it will be selling the same thing. So, we moved on to the Korean-style of ‘pasar malam’ and managed to get a woollen pullover for W10,000 (approx. ST 17.00) for each of us at a roadside stall. We wandered the pasar malam and ended up in canal which is being converted into a park-like underground walkway. This was the work of the Mayor of Seoul which I think he did a good job by providing alternative tranquil relaxing place midst the bustle of the city above the ground.
We ended up in another district of DongDaeMun and this place housed many older shops which they dun seem interested with you when you browse at their shops. Later we realised they might be the ones doing wholesaling so that aren’t interested with us at all.
In fact, shopping at DongDaeMun starts at about 10.30am and until probably late in the evening. By 12 midnight, it’s shopping for those who do business with the wholesalers. Don’t think you can get wholesale price if you shop between 12 midnight to 5am, one look by the wholesaler they will be able to tell the difference, so you still ended up paying retail price. Ha ha ha….
3 hours is indeed to long for me – shopping queen who can never stop buying things. We met up with the group again and went for dinner at 7.30pm. We are having Ginseng Chicken for dinner ! But I was so hungry that I goffled down all my food so no picture ! It was NOT NICE at all. No ginseng taste or smell at all although I don’t like ginseng. Anyway, I was tired by then and just wanted to check into the hotel.
Our hotel was 30 minutes drive away from the city centre. Pretty far huh….. It’s also like a serviced apartment style but just that it smaller. SO MUCH SMALLER that there is any extra space for me to open up my luggage and also there is no separate area for shower and the toilet bowl. Once you shower, the entire bathroom is TOTALLY WET. I really detest this as I don’t like wet toilet. The only thing I’m contented with this room is the heated floor. The warmest of all ! My buttocks felt so warmed when I sat on the floor. So shiok. Oh yah, the ‘hotel’ is called Coop Residence.