Friday, January 23, 2009
My Chicken Farm

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Andy Lau Concert - 12 Dec 2008
It is not that he is no good or sing badly, just than it is not as enjoyable as I watched the other Heavenly King when he was here. Andy cannot dance as well as Aaron and the entire concert of Andy is like watch a musical. He enacted some of his previous movies or his more memorable stardom route in the concert. He sticked to Mandarin most of his time and lastly, the seat is DAMMED bloody uncomfortable for the most expensive tickets. The chair is so narrow and I already felt extremely uncomfortable with my normal ass size so can you imagine those who are slightly larger built than me will have their ass spilling off the side of the chair and touching some other strangers ass-es, left and right. Eeee..... think of it now is so horrible.
Nokia was kind enough to sponsor all concert goers a neon light changing flashes so that we can wave it in the audience while Andy sang his famous love songs.
Ushers at Indoor Stadium are the 'siao' on type. No video taking is allowed... If you hold your phone or camera high up for a longer time, you will soon see the usher came running, signalling and waving at you to stop video-ing.
So, I can only show you pictures !
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Javier Teo's 1st Birthday Celebration
My sister in law was still very heavily pregnant this time last year, while I was still super busy with the final stages of preparation of the company's annual big event.
Fast forward a year later, my little nephew, who is also born in the same month as me, to be exact - 4 days after my 'bird' day - was celebrating his 1st year birthday !
My goodness !!! If you follow my Facebook, you will trace his growing up for the past year and I must agree, kid does grow up extremely fast - without you realising it.
His mummy, ordered a cake to celebrate this once in a lifetime occasion - A 'Xiao Ding Dang' design. Our little piglet - whom we fondly called coz he is borned in the year of Pig under the chinese zodiac sign.
The poor boy he to endured through an almost 8 course dinners which the adults enjoyed at the excuse and expense to celebrate his birthday. Ha ha ha !!!!
By the time we reached the dessert - the cake cutting ceremony - our little piglet is either too happy to see the cake or not too happy for keeping him to wait for so long - moved non-stop that I couldn't take very good pictures of him....
Here are some of the better ones.... When he turns 2..... trust he will understand.... DUN MOVE !
Ha ha ha !!!!!
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Bollywood Veggies
We were so excited to see this field of sweet potato plantation as it reminded us of Sambal Belachan Fried Sweet Potato Leaves dish almost immediately !
While, we settle in comfortably in the air-conditioned part of the Bistro, we glanced through the menu on the chalkboard hanging over the counter, screening through the good eat of the day.
So this is the counter that runs the whole bistro and farm. The gentleman on the left is Mr Lim, the owner of the farm and husband of Mrs Ivy Singh - Lim.
Everything looks so good on the menu and we order quite alot of the dishes and we actually finsihed up EVERYTHING ! They are simply delicious !
Despite our fullness, we decided to go ahead with the order of the HIGHLY recommended dessert.... 4 - in - 1 kueh kueh and Banana Crumble with ice cream. No regrets, simply fabulous!!! I'm drooling now....
Not to mention, the plates are empty within minutes .
This farm and bistro is really a good and cheap getaway for Singaporean if you have very limited time to relax and yet want to get away from the hustle and bustle of our little city.....
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Killarney, Ireland
It seems we took days to reach there, and indeed it took us almost 24 hours to reach Killarney.
Here'e the journey.
I left home at 9 pm as we arranged to meet at 9.30 pm at T3. Our flight is scheduled to depart at 11.30 pm. The flight was delayed for almost 1 hour and we finally took off at 12.30am. We sat in the jumbo airplane A380 enjoying the big personal tv screen with nice supper and pipping hot carrot cake for breakfast. 13 hours later, we arrived into London heathrow airport to catch our connection flight to Cork. There were supposed to be 3 hours of layover but the delayed flight in SIN took away an hour and so we left with 2 hours. We walked through many corridors and queue for almost 30 minutes to clear the British immigration before we made our way to terminal 1 for our connecting flight. The flight took us 1 hour to Cork and we had to travel by coach for another 1 hour and 15 minutes to Killarney. By the time we reach Killarney, it was almost 2 pm in Europe and 9 pm in SIN.
4 days of meeting, working sessions, sightseeing, networking and catching up with colleagues, passed quickly. And before you realise and trying to get over the jetlag, you are supposed to fly home....
A Rare Sight, 11,000 feet above the ground
On closer look, it is a Qantas aircraft. It must also be flying towards Singapore, I believe. I used to work for a Qantas Airways subsidary company and was pretty familiar with Qanatas flight timings. You can make out the white kangaroo in the red background at the fin tail of the aircraft.
And it was cruising at a speed so much faster than our jumbo..... Within minutes, it disappeared from the sky.
Irish Tap Dancing
And I believe such dancing is also good exercise for my thunderous thighs. It will definitely tone down my lower body as well as a good standing posture. The music played by the famous fastest fingers recorded in Book of Guiness, Liam O'Connor, is so 'springy' and 'jpyous' to the ears.
Also, the coordination between Liam O'Connor and this male tap dancer, coupled with live band in the background, makes this traditional instrument (played by Liam) so pleasing and entertaining. He is such a performer with great showsmanship.
Quick find me a dancing school....
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Blue Fin Tuna Fish
It was really a gigantic fish and it took the Chef about 30 minutes to dissect the wrong fish.
According to the in-charge, less oily part of that tuna fish is selling at $17.80 per 100g, the redder flesh and more oily part is selling at $37.90. The fish bones is good for brewing soup and the bones and head were already sold before the demonstration takes place.