'Miss, would you like to make some donation to XXX Charity?' Sorry, I've forgotten the charity organisation. The tennage gal asked holding a tin can in her hands. 'Any amount will do', she continued.
I haven't been giving to street donation ever since the NFK saga and I just remembered I have lots of coins and so it's a good time to give some.
While I was staring at the tin can thinking how much I should give....the teenage gal whipped out a cute little bear.
'You may wish to buy the bear at S$3'. Awww.... it's so hard to resist this cute little one.

I parted with S$3, dropped it into the tin can. I left happily and I guessed the gal left happy too. And I realised this little bear has a love shaped on its left chest and it said - got heart.
Next day, after gym, Fi & me met with another round of charity drive again outside Far East Square. The boy was holding a t-shirt selling it for S$10. It's for an organisation for muscle deficiency children. Both of thought S$10 is too much to part with and thought we can make a small donation. The boy handled over an A4 envelope and said we can left any anount in there. Armed with him on the other hand is a document certified by YMCA for this charity drive.
Unfortunately, both of us were not confortable with donation cash in a mere envelope, we declined the donation and left.
Both of us can't help but felt very disturbed how can the charity organisation gave these students just envelopes to collect donations. What if they are being robbed? Or what if they claimed there's no money collect? Though I believe these students are with integrity.
Something to discuss about.
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