Coincidently, 08 Aug is my ROM anniversary and 09 Aug is National Day, so it make sense to apply leave for 10 Aug.
Unfortunately, I'm more busier and spending more money instead.
08 Aug - Left home at about 10 am, heading Great World City to have breakfast at Macdonal's, followed by collecting Alvin's pants at Zara. Since he has another $20 Zara voucher to spend (expiring 17Aug), it was natural for me to see my stuffs. I was $138 poorer when I left Zara.
Since I'm out, I went Wheelock to do my own stuff and hit the malls to purchase shopping vouchers required by company. then I went, Chinatown, Pearl Centre to buy 'bak kwa'.

I couldn't think of anything appropriate to buy and within my means except 'bak kwa' for David and wife. Although I didn't purposely MIA at Genting, I thought it is my gesture to say thanks to both of them to worry for me during my 'disappearance'. This brand of 'bak kwa' belongs to the family-in-law of my colleague Lay Hong. It is called 'Jin Pin Xiang'.
By the time I reached home, it was almost 4pm and I am really exhausted.
09 Aug - We have arranged for a small gatehring today initially at Albert's place but switced to June's place at the last minute. June promises fly past and fireworks as her blocked faces National Stadium. Oh yes ! Today is out nation;s 41st birthday !
As our helper will still be coming to clean the house at about 11am, we went for breakfast at about 10am, then we went to Alvin's office to 'hide'. But Alvin has a 'pointed' backside and he can't be sit for long. So, he urged or insisted I must go to Toyota showroom to see Altis which his dad decided to buy. I was more interested with a new model call Toyota Yaris. It's a hunchback and small car. SO CUTE ! I always can;t resist cute cars. I decided to meet Huiyi earlier than 3 pm as expected at Toa Payoh. It was really a small gathering as only Albert, Sunny, Yifeng's family, Huiyi and myself, and of course with June's family. we chatted, watched the babies played and the parade on TV. We wanted to leave early but 'pai say' as June said she wanted to 'talk' to us after she put her baby Tivon to sleep. We stayed till the parade and fireworks were over and Sunny, Huiyi and me proceeded to go for dinner. We initially wanted to have dinner but after Albert and Yifeng left and we realised that wasn't any proper place to have a food spread, we hid our hunger. As Sunny was driving, Huiyi suggested a cool Olio Dome tucked in a corner of Bishan CC.
10 Aug - I've decided to bring forward my facial and spend hours there today. B the time I reached home, it was almost half a day gone. I tried to watch a few episode of the serial as the main objective to stay away from work was to coop myslef at home to watch shows. Yet, you can see I ended up doing a lot of things not in the agenda.
Nevertheless, though not going anywhere for holiday, it is also a good break as staying home is also a form of holiday !
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