These days, if 8 of us turn up for a gathering, we can 'tao cheo' (laugh sheepishly) already. And, we hardly meet nowadays.
This gathering at Yifeng's place, not bad..... 10 (+1)of us ! Yati, Huiyi, Amy, Shikin, Yifeng, Victor, Albert, Kai Ming, Jian Ming, myself and our good old friend, Sunny ! He is already part of wolverines many years back. Maybe it is because of Yati, who has been away to States for many years. We haven't see her for so long and I guessed everyone misses her. But then again, everyone couldn't stop 'suaning' her the minute we saw her.
The whole feeling is like we have all returned to 10 or 12 years ago. We still talk, disturb each other like we are during Poly days. Just that many of us have grown horizontally. Don't believe me? See for yourself lor....

2006 (22sep)

Can you do the matching of the same persons in the 2 pictures?
Some are missing, they can't come due to other committments or just M.I.A. They are June, Suhua, Adrian, Shahril.
I will post more of our photos if I got the time.
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