Friday, June 22, 2007
Member ?
'Member ?'
'No'. This is what I usually replied plainly and simply. I didn't even bother to ask how to become one and the MacDonald's staff also don't bother to explain how to be a member or ask me to be a member.
So today, I decided to ask.
As usual after my purchase of a hot fudge sundae (yummy !), the boy asked me,
'Member ?'
He took my money and I asked,
'How to be member?'
He just smiled sheepishly and gave me back my change. While keeping the money back into my wallet, I asked again,
'So, to be member, you must be a student is it?'
And the answer from the boy was ...................................
Ai yo ! From my look and dressing, I can never look like a student oready mah (maybe Feifei still can pass off as one), then why they bother to ask all the time?
Haiz.....must be the order from Mac management and all of them just follow instruction - blindly.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Honeymoon - Prelude
Initially we wanted to have lunch at the famous Malacca's chicken rice ball. The so-called most original one was located near a bridge housed inside a old coffeeshop. However, we gave up because :
1) we had to find our own seats
2) all the workers there seem to have a 'million dollar' face, they don't answer you promptly when you ask a question.
In the end, we decided to walk down Jonker Street and decided to just eat anything we walked past. As we walked, we realised there are so many shops selling the famous chicken rice ball. We walked into this one that attracted us to its decor, for Alvin, he is most happy as it is air-conditioned. Malacca was just simply too hot !
We stayed at Bayview Hotel and the view from our room overlooks the Straits of Malacca.
In the end, we had our dinner at a 'zhi cha' stall in a coffeeshop - just opposite our hotel :<
The food was good and its famous dish is the Fresh Milk Crab. We ordered the crab, pork ribs, vegetables, 'big head' and steamed promfret. The uncle who took our order told us the wait is not long but we actually waited for almost 30 mins ! Probably, their 'not long' is a min. wait for 30 mins. Ha ha ha....
Anyway, we finished all the food as we were dammed hungry. The bill came and I was quite surprised and I think we had been chopped. The bill is RM 140 for 2 of us with 5 dishes. I find the place we had the dinner & the portion of the food does not equate the price we paid.
As we brought quite limited cash, after paying for the dinner, both of us ended up with RM12. Ha ha ha..... we have never been so broke before on our holiday. Even during our poorest time, we still can't afford to spend $$ to buy things we liked during the holiday. But this time, we felt we are so poor and I don't even dare to buy a RM 8 clock that I liked at one of the stalls at the pasar malam.
We walked the rest of the evening admiring the stuffs but without buying anything. Ha ha ! It's so unlike me !
However, we still managed to fetch home a few t-shirts at the factory outlet store and the reject shop at a good bargain. Malacca have 2 mega mall, 1 called the Mahkota which was the 1st modern looking mall in Malacca. The other one was opened quite recently which carries more labels, local and overseas. Interestingly, this new mall was built on a piece of massive land, yet they do it 1 level only, same like Mahkota. Wondering does it have to do with the religion or feng shui if the Malaysian authorities believe in. Or just simply their way of doing things ??? We were RM 70 richer the next day when the hotel gave us back the deposit the next day.
Malacca was an interesting town and it is a good destination if you decided to drive there, enough for 2 days 1 night get away, with time for relaxation yet enough things to keep you occupied.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Pan Pacific Hotel
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
My Wedding (Part 1)
The 'chor lor' bride who walked faster than her 'jie meis' at Labrador Park & grabbing her gown so 'cho lor' also despite she looked so pretty that day ! (whuak...)
Resting under the shade and waiting for the photographer's instruction on how to pose.
Ha ha ha... ... finally over at the park... ... can go home liao !
Do you want to 'fatt choy' ?
More pictures to follow... ... ... stay tune !
You Are Such A Spoilsport !
Is it necessary to play prank & embarass the couple in front of all their relatives and other friends ?
Is it always a/some 'sabo' then is considered a memorable wedding for the couple ?
Is it the couple's fault when he/she decline such initiative that was sincerely plan by his/her friends who meant well to add to the atmosphere of the wedding ?
Is it the bride/groom's fault to get a lifetime partner who turn out to be so serious who will not entertain to such 'sabo' request ?
I thought the best gift to give to your friend on his/her wedding day or night is your greatest blessing & attendance plus to ensure he/she look their very best throughout their wedding instead of 'malu-ing' them ?
Or is it my usual jovial character, evil straits, has made people think that I am easy going and sporty all the time..... which I'm really am (most of the time!).
You can imagine how his/her heart sank, right from heaven of happiness plunging straight into hell of deep dark ocean that very second when he/she decline the 'sabo' and his/her whole table friends fell into dead silence and wore crest fallen faces.
He/she had RUINED his/her OWN wedding at that very second. 30 mins where he/she can close one of his/her most important chapter in his/her life.
Probably the words used to decline the offer were too harsh that turned the friends off. But verbal communications and email correspondences had stated clearly that the partner will not buy such entertainment ! And no one expect they still came prepared.
Oh well, he/she may had thought too hard & mistaken his/her friend's intention on the 'sabo'. They could have meant well.... The 'sabo' could have been their true and 100% sincerity for the couple. He/she could had been such a 小人 and talking bad about his/her friends here.
Whatever it is, the damage had been done and there is nowhere to mend this wonderful chapter of the couple's, no matter how fine this crack is.
You are such a spoilsport who ruined your own wedding that you have painstakingly planned for the past few months - just by being quick tempered, blunt and straightforward.
You have to learn to curb your bad behaviour despite causing so many hurtful incidents in the past and you still dun learn from mistake.
This is your retribution for always pouring evil onto people surrounding you.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
13 Hours to Go
It looks so far yet so near.....
And there is till so many things I have not done yet !
Exfoliate my face ! Give my Face a good mask !
Pack my make up kit ! Pack my toiletries.....
More importantly, SLEEP !!!!
I'm very tired now........
I promise myself I must go to bed by 9pm..... coz I gonna wake up at 5am !!!!
No dark eye rings for tomorrow, that's for sure !
Hen Party
Fighting over who should pay.......
I extended my Cinderahsoh timeline from 8pm to 10pm so that I can join them for a drink at No. 5......with a few of their frens joining us later..... With laughter and I realised the night stretched to 12 midnite and by then, my eyes turned itchy (signalling I should go home to sleep) and I decided to end the day.
Twin twinne and lao niang continue the hen party with their frens while I was sleeping soundly in my 'pang pang' bed.......
It's such a memorable day although there's nothing kinky programmes for me. They planned such a relaxing evening for me that I really needed it badly..... The only regret is that the 3 of us forgotten to take a picture !
They must had spent too much $$$ and it will be my turn soon to recipocrate by giving both of them a monkey party...
What's in store...... for me to know, for you to find out !