Credit to : Contributer : smikers
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Javier Teo's 1st Birthday Celebration
My sister in law was still very heavily pregnant this time last year, while I was still super busy with the final stages of preparation of the company's annual big event.
Fast forward a year later, my little nephew, who is also born in the same month as me, to be exact - 4 days after my 'bird' day - was celebrating his 1st year birthday !
My goodness !!! If you follow my Facebook, you will trace his growing up for the past year and I must agree, kid does grow up extremely fast - without you realising it.
His mummy, ordered a cake to celebrate this once in a lifetime occasion - A 'Xiao Ding Dang' design. Our little piglet - whom we fondly called coz he is borned in the year of Pig under the chinese zodiac sign.
The poor boy he to endured through an almost 8 course dinners which the adults enjoyed at the excuse and expense to celebrate his birthday. Ha ha ha !!!!
By the time we reached the dessert - the cake cutting ceremony - our little piglet is either too happy to see the cake or not too happy for keeping him to wait for so long - moved non-stop that I couldn't take very good pictures of him....
Here are some of the better ones.... When he turns 2..... trust he will understand.... DUN MOVE !
Ha ha ha !!!!!
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Bollywood Veggies
We were so excited to see this field of sweet potato plantation as it reminded us of Sambal Belachan Fried Sweet Potato Leaves dish almost immediately !
While, we settle in comfortably in the air-conditioned part of the Bistro, we glanced through the menu on the chalkboard hanging over the counter, screening through the good eat of the day.
So this is the counter that runs the whole bistro and farm. The gentleman on the left is Mr Lim, the owner of the farm and husband of Mrs Ivy Singh - Lim.
Everything looks so good on the menu and we order quite alot of the dishes and we actually finsihed up EVERYTHING ! They are simply delicious !
Despite our fullness, we decided to go ahead with the order of the HIGHLY recommended dessert.... 4 - in - 1 kueh kueh and Banana Crumble with ice cream. No regrets, simply fabulous!!! I'm drooling now....
Not to mention, the plates are empty within minutes .
This farm and bistro is really a good and cheap getaway for Singaporean if you have very limited time to relax and yet want to get away from the hustle and bustle of our little city.....
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Killarney, Ireland
It seems we took days to reach there, and indeed it took us almost 24 hours to reach Killarney.
Here'e the journey.
I left home at 9 pm as we arranged to meet at 9.30 pm at T3. Our flight is scheduled to depart at 11.30 pm. The flight was delayed for almost 1 hour and we finally took off at 12.30am. We sat in the jumbo airplane A380 enjoying the big personal tv screen with nice supper and pipping hot carrot cake for breakfast. 13 hours later, we arrived into London heathrow airport to catch our connection flight to Cork. There were supposed to be 3 hours of layover but the delayed flight in SIN took away an hour and so we left with 2 hours. We walked through many corridors and queue for almost 30 minutes to clear the British immigration before we made our way to terminal 1 for our connecting flight. The flight took us 1 hour to Cork and we had to travel by coach for another 1 hour and 15 minutes to Killarney. By the time we reach Killarney, it was almost 2 pm in Europe and 9 pm in SIN.
4 days of meeting, working sessions, sightseeing, networking and catching up with colleagues, passed quickly. And before you realise and trying to get over the jetlag, you are supposed to fly home....
A Rare Sight, 11,000 feet above the ground
On closer look, it is a Qantas aircraft. It must also be flying towards Singapore, I believe. I used to work for a Qantas Airways subsidary company and was pretty familiar with Qanatas flight timings. You can make out the white kangaroo in the red background at the fin tail of the aircraft.
And it was cruising at a speed so much faster than our jumbo..... Within minutes, it disappeared from the sky.
Irish Tap Dancing
And I believe such dancing is also good exercise for my thunderous thighs. It will definitely tone down my lower body as well as a good standing posture. The music played by the famous fastest fingers recorded in Book of Guiness, Liam O'Connor, is so 'springy' and 'jpyous' to the ears.
Also, the coordination between Liam O'Connor and this male tap dancer, coupled with live band in the background, makes this traditional instrument (played by Liam) so pleasing and entertaining. He is such a performer with great showsmanship.
Quick find me a dancing school....
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Blue Fin Tuna Fish
It was really a gigantic fish and it took the Chef about 30 minutes to dissect the wrong fish.
According to the in-charge, less oily part of that tuna fish is selling at $17.80 per 100g, the redder flesh and more oily part is selling at $37.90. The fish bones is good for brewing soup and the bones and head were already sold before the demonstration takes place.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Singapore Formula One - Pictures
I was enjoying every second of it and it was simply fabulous !
You won't feel any bit that it was a night race as the whole circuit track was brightly lit up. At one time, when the aerial camera was taking in the view of the entire track from the sky, the view is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING ! I must say that image of Singapore being beamed to worldwide will definitely captured their hearts to come to visit this lovely tiny little country. I cannot find the right words to describe that perfect image of Singapore.... The entire circuit was lit up brightly and cars smashing past at top notch speed....above it, the Benjamin SHeares Bridge with cars zooming pass it too... I still cannot get over this lovely sight.
We were seated opposite the Pit Area and it is known as the Pit Grandstand. Cars coming out from the pit has to stop to watch out for oncoming cars before they can accelerate and speed off.... So, here are my chances to take the pictures of the cars as well as fantastic videos of them speeding off from the Pit Area.
Enjoy the lovely photos !
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Won't Go Home Without You
Credit to : Yordii
Monday, September 08, 2008
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Tickets for Andy Lau's Concert
Date : 13 December 2008, Saturday
Time : 8.00 PM
Venue : Singapore Indoor Stadium
Ticket Price : S$ 198 per ticket
Seat : PA - 2 , Row 22 , Seat 9 and 10.
2 tickets only.
Contact me immediately if you are interested. Email :
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Bangkok Holiday 29 - 31 Aug
I scrampled to purchase the most coverage plan of travel insurancee, get our details updated in MFA - just in case we needed to be evacuated in a very short notice in BKK while we were there.
We arrived BKK in the later afternoon and took a cab to the city.... it was smooth sailing until we exited the expressway, entering into the heart of the city...... we caught in a jam. What's new about this in BKK actually...... As we snailed the roads to our hotel in Siam Square.... I scruntised the streets in the city like I never been to BKK before.... everyone gets on with their lives as usual.....businesses go on, tourists out in the streets - never stop buying... the Thais too..... getting on with their daily lives.....
We quickly checked into our room and started roaming the streets as quickly as possible.... Siam Square is filled with many Thai youngsters and tourists...... same over at MBK, abundant of tourists of all nationalities.... You never felt a ting of unrest, riot, etc. going on...... though there are more securities around in shopping malls and hotel vicinity... However, you will just dimiss them as extra security measure for the safety of all rather than it is due to the unrest at the somewhere government house in BKK city.
To cut the long story short, I practically did 4 things during my stay in BKK and they are - SHOP - EAT - MASSAGE - SLEEP....... Nothing else..... It was so relaxing and I am really enjoy the time I had in BKK.....
This is the 3rd time I been to Bangkok and it is only this time that I have a better impression of BKK...can you believe it?
Anyway, I loved the hassle free and BKK is definitely my top list for a short getaway....
LATEST - the sudden turn of events as reported on news is appalling.... BKK will be turning into state of emergency any time now if the unrest keeps spreading.....
Thursday, July 31, 2008
This Weekend
& I guess this hatred developed more and more deeply as you age....
So, the conclusion is : age is catching up with me.... I am getting old.....
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Crab Bee Hoon

At a price of $16 per pot.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Massage @ Work
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Here's my little nest
See..... that's my 46" Sony TV.... haa haa haa...... It's really a luxury to be able to watch TV and play the computer at the same time....
Monday, July 07, 2008
I Have FINALLY Moved !!!
Yippeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Although the move has been very tiring but it's so nice to have luxury of space.....
I shall update some pictures of my fully furnish flat soon !
Stay tune ......
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Get Well Hampers

Lurpy sistas sent a huge one towering over the dining table .....
And I thought that was the end as I did not tell alot of people. So i was surprised when I received this !
Haa haa haa.... they are from my dearest colleagues, Mabel and Li Wah. They must have thought to cheer me up. And it indeed has..... It has a silly face and it never fails to cheer me up whenever I look at it.
Don't you think so.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
16 June 2008
The trip to Hong Kong was equally rewarding and enjoyable. But I was easily tired and spent quite a lot of quality time sleeping during the holidays although which was unusual of me during holidays.
So, upon return and few days after that, I decided to do a test as I hardly missed my period even under stress at work. And true enough, I was pregnant !
I was definitely elated as it took me a lot of courage to try to get pregnant this time. An accidental pregnancy 10 years ago that led to etopic pregancy was terrified enough to put the thought off for a good 10 years. I was then very young and it came so suddenly. Marriage and parenthood for Alvin and myself was too much for us we decided to opt for abortion.
Unfortunately, the check up turned out that the foetus was actually in the fallopian tube and it will endanger my life if it keeps growing. So, a surgery (much complicated than abortion) was scheduled immediately to remove the foetus. Cuts were made in my tummy to remove it and I was told later on a follow-up check up that the foetus had actually died in the fallopian tube.
At that moment of time, I thought the etopic pregnancy was a blessing in disguise as it did made me less guilty that I did not take away a life intentionally although I have this thought at the beginning. The fear of getting pregnant and the repeat of the whole episode of etopic pregnancy is too terrifying for both of us.
10 years on and now that I think I am ready for motherhood did brought joy and happiness when I found I was pregnant. The first check up with a gynae assured this pregnancy was in the correct position and I can see the foetus in the womb ! How amazing is that ! And this is at Week 4.
A week after that, I discovered brown spotting and was asked to bed rest by the gynae. A precaution visit to the gynae and an ultrasound scan showed the foetus was growing slower than usual and heartbeat of the foetus cannot be detected even though it can always does at Week 5. The gynae scheduled for another review 1 week later. If there is still no heartbeat by Week 6, it is evident the foetus is not healthy and I cannot keep it anymore.
I was totally saddened and dazed. I took half a day off from office as I was very confused. It did disrupt the office at that moment of time as we are downed to 3 staffs (including myself) only. Luckily, help came at the last minute which I am truly gratified of. My request for off really came at the wrong time and I felt bad about it.
I went 4-horse road before going home, hoping Guanyin niang niang can blessed my baby. My mind wondered the whole day with negative and positive thoughts. I returned to office the next day, much composed as I cannot let my private matter affect my work and the office.
And finally, the visit to the gynae came and I braved myself for any outcome. I knew what is happening when I saw the foetus during the altrasound scan. It hardly grew during the week and the gynae further confirmed there is still not heartbeat. She went on th further explained the progress I should be experiencing during the first 8 weeks of pregnancy and I am not progressing as normally. It was confirmed the foetus was not healthy and it may just stop growing. In this circumstances, it has to be 'washed' off and this is termed as miscarriage.
My tears flowed like the tap when I heard the word 'miscarriage'. I can literally felt my heart wringed at that very second. Th gynae went on to explain there is no scientific research evident to show what contirbuted to such causes and miscarriages are common among modern women nowadays. The statistic shows as high as 20% of annual pregnancies are miscarriages.
A surgery was scheduled for 4 days later as I needed some time to compose myself and accept this reality as well as to arrange for my work to be followed up since I will be given a week's hospitalisation leave after that.
It's difficult to break such a news to my boss and colleagues and I tried very hard to control my tears when I do so. They were so happy for me when they knew of my pregnancy. My boss was so kind to ask me to go home to rest even though we had a very important event that evening. But I turned it down because I was be even more depressed if I am left alone and I would rather keep my mind occupied with work than to be given time to let my emotions ran wild again.
Everyone came to terms including my parents and parents-in-law. I accepted the fact that I am not fated to be a mum this time. I ate well over the weekend to prepare myself for the surgery. I was immediately given a lot of tips to look after my health and womb after the surgery. I can open a shop to sell DOM and essence of chicken now.
16 June - I reported to Thomson Medical at 6am as the operations is scheduled at 8am. 2 hours need for registration, brief medical history declaration, get changed, rest on bed and waited to be wheeled into the operation theatre.
I was wheeled away to the operation theatre at 7.30am. All the previous memories of the etopic pregnancy flowed back into my mind as I stared into the rows of lights in the ceiling as I was whelled along the corridor. I was scared , but not as scared as previous. Nurses were cheerful, anaethesia doctor was talking to me all the time to keep me occupied while she poked needles into my hands.
Finally, the gynae arrived and she spoke briefly to me before the surgery began. I was put on the oxygen mask and I managed to caught a glimpse of the clock. It's 8.15am. And before I can really sleep, someone worked me up and time checked, 8.35am.
It's over. I am wheeled back to the ward to rest for 2 hours before I could get home.
I would say this operation is much easier on me and my body this time as compared to the previous. As you can see, I can now sit in front of my computer to put in this entry.
I had come to terms with it and decided to move forward. Nothing is more important to nurse my health back to normal or better.
I will continue to keep my promise to visit 4-horse road once a month although Guanyin niang niang did not bless me this time. She could be too busy blessing others who are more faithful than me. I decided to be a better follower of her now. And I accepted this could be a karma to me, for I have the most initial thought of killing the baby 10 years ago.
Nevertheless, life goes on.
It will definitely be a better tomorrow.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
New Update of Javier Teo

He was left at a corner outside Charles & Keith to self entertained in his pram while we were crazy looking and trying shoes . hee hee.....

He is now into his 6th months and he can flip and 'swim' around on the bed or everywhere on a surface.

One evening, for no reason, he decided to abandon his 'pek' and wriggle to rest on my breast.... nobody knows why he did this that evening.... me not so big, shouldn't be so comfy to rest mah.... maybe next time let him try Lao Niang's one....guarantee it must be the BEST !

Tuesday, June 03, 2008
My New Flat Update
Here's my favourite corner, my 'study' area overlooking to the TV in the front.
This is our bedroom with a shelf for TV again.... hee hee...... and the bed frame and bedside drawers.
My Kitchen ! I simply love it ! although Alvin says it is very ugly.... hmpf...