So, on the 7th Oct, I attended 2 weddings. Despite weddings are happy occasions, 1 left me in dismay and the other with good memories.
I'm supposed to be one of Amy's wedding sisters and I had to arrive at her place by 7.30am as the groom is coming to fetch her at 8am. Okay dokey, I diligently slept the day before at 12 midnight, afriad I'm going to overslept as I was very tired and was not having enough sleep since the week leading to NATAS Travel Fair. But the more you afraid, the more it happened. You bet ! I OVERSLEPT ! You can imagine my horror when I woke up at 7am, screaming at Alvin for causing me to overslept. But as usual, he pretended to be deep asleep.
I showered, changed...but still spend time to put on my make up. Hee hee, I am her 'sisters' mah, so must look good, even I'm late I also don't care....I've already thought of a way to sneak in while doing my make up. I rushed out of the house at 7.40am and catched a cab to Amy's place. On the way, Sunny, our good friend - the photographer of the day, sms-ed me. "Groom arriving at 8.30am".
Eh??? Can 'su-ka su-ka' change auspicious time meh? I wondered. Anyway, better for me. At least not so 'pai-sey' when I arrived. The best part is, Huiyi also overslept and late too. Ai yo, we these 2 'sisters' damm hopeless. Hope Amy is not angry with us.
When I arrived, the makeup artist was finishing Amy's hairdo. I quickly took a pic of my good fren when she changed. Is she beautiful? But she looked tired.

After this, I am appalled by the sudden turn of events and never expected the whole wedding was so unplanned and I am shocked. Still in shock !
By custom, the parents of the bride is supposed to cover the veil to symbolise the daughter turning into adulthood. Amy's mum refused to do it because Amy's dad is already not around. It took some aunties to finally coaxed her to do it 'as it is okay'. Finally an aunty and the mum did it. I was already upset by then as I felt the mum doesn't showed any 'kan cheong' at all. Amy's big day is like just another day of praying to the God's birthday.
See how good Amy look while waiting patiently for the groom.

The groom finally arrived at 8.40am, blaming the driver can't find his house, thus late. We had a little mild 'sabo' game, and let the groom in. The couple forgotten to wear their wedding rings and I frantically looked for it in the cabinet. Then suddenly, some aunties said 9am is not a good time to 'marry off' so we have to wait till 10am. WHAT ! We were puzzled. Can you imagine the groom and his 'brothers' loitering around doing nothing for more than 1 hour and the bride and the 'sisters' had to keep each other entertained. See what we are doing.....
We opened up the 'open door' ang pow whivh we haggled from $48 to $168....hee hee

Huiyi playing with Sunny's camera....

As Amy had not 'see' any auspicious hour before so we think she should not follow because if you want to follow, then you have to do it all the way.
During this time, the gang were still discussing should they return to Amy's place later or not. I couldn't help but feel sorry for my friend. Suddenly, I became the unofficial bridesmaid as we found out no one is actually helping Amy's with her gown. When we reached the groom's place, I became the unoffcial tea holder they the couple serve tea to the elders. Huiyi became the unofficial person to keep the ang pow and gold on Amy's behalf. We left with 20mins' time and it was only in the lift that I realised Amy did not change her jewellery to '4-piece gold' given by her mum-in-law when she left the place. Amy told me that the '4-piece gold' is alredy at her place. I had to mindfully explained to her the significance of wearing the '4-piece gold' when she left the in-laws' place to return to her mum's place.
At this point of time, I was really feeling disappointed by the whole arrangement. What are the elders doing/ Why they didn't remind the youngsters on the proper procedure of a customary wedding? If they are really so 'chin chye' then why have a customary wedding. Although I hate those 'leh chey' formalities, but I beleive if you want to do it, you must do it properly and do it right. If you are going to do it half-heartedly, then don't do it.
When we returned back to Amy's place, no one, I repeat again - no one give a damm to the couple at all. They behaved as if Amy returned home after a normal day's of work. Her brother continued to played their games as if the rest of the people and what's going on is non-existent. Amy's mum poured own tea for the couple to serve her. I couldn't carry on to look at it anymore and volunteered to do the job once more. Throughout the 15mins, in the house, both brothers did not even bother to turn around to see what's going on, let alone offer help.
Finally, we left for Amy's own place in Buangkok. Wow.....a 'kampung' I would describe it. She held her lunch buffet and waited for guests to come. By then, I knew she is very hungry and offered her food. Hee hee...see what I feed Amy...ROAST PIG !!!!!

Ha ha...look at my Amy's 'unglam' pics.

hee hee...Amy will kill me if she knows.
We entertained ourselves while enjoying the lunch as 3 of us were super hungry and woffled down 2 serving each. HA HA !

As I suddenly developed sinus and decided to retreat home early to rest, I couldn't help but feel sorry for my friend. I feel she don't deserve this type of wedding arrangement and treatment at all. I absolutely upset.
Despite all this, it's just my own thoughts. May might not mind the whole turnout of the day at all. Nevertheless, I hope my good fren has a wonderful time on one of her most important days in her life. And I send my best blessing to the couple.
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