By the time I reached home, it was almost 4.30pm and I WAS DAMMED BLOODLY TIRED !!!!!!!!!!!!! I quickly popped a Clarinase, wash my face, slacked onto the edge of my bed - refusing to change out of my dress and decided to catched a nap. My brother is coming to fetch me at 7.30pm, which means I make start preparing at 6.30pm.
2 hours of nap really refreshed and rejuvenated me ! I took my time to shower, changed and make up and was ready by 7.20pm, sitting at the sofa waiting for my brother's call. By then, Alvin returned and also getting ready to go for his cousin's wedding.
This was totally the opposite Amy's.
The minute we arrived, we were guided to my cousin (Eddie's younger sister) to check out our table number. She was armed with the relatives' name list and we 'kay poh-ing' who is seating with who.
I saw so many of my relatives that I haven't been seeing them for a long time. (I've been MIA-ing for many years of CNY gatherings, you see) All of us get so excited about each other and start teasing each other like we used to be when younger. I was also caught by surprised that many of my baby cousins outgrowned me by now and some even brought galfrens. Aw.......
This is Sandra. My younger cousin. Sometimes, I called her Xiaoyan, sometimes Yan, or sometimes San. And she knows I'm calling her. We are close since young. Though we seldom keep in touch now, we still can relate to each other whenever we met.

The one in black is another cousin of mine, Kelly. We are also on close terms, just like with San. The boy is her 5 year old son. And the fat fat gal gal is my younger cousin... hee hee....

See ! Isn't he such a handsome boy !

This is my 3rd aunty (my dad's youngest sister). As I grow older and she grow older older, a lot of people and even relatives said I looked like her. Do we? She used to look after us when we are young as our parents were working. She was very very very strict and fierce with us and the whole gang of us (cousins) really don't like her. We are terrified of her. In fact, we hated her ! I can still remember vividly how we scrambled to pretend we were studying when she returned home after work. And the person who always give us 'tip' that she returned is our beloved grandma. Thus, sparing us a lot of scolding and punishment. But as everyone grew up and mature, we understand fully her teaching and upbringing methods. Trufully, I am very grateful to her. Without her, I won't be the person all of you have known today. Therefore, I respected her the most now and forever. In fact, she is closer to us now as she talked and joked with all of us like adults.

The man standing on the extreme right is my 3rd uncle (3rd aunty's hubby). He is a quiet, soft-spoken and humble man. We always thought he is 'eaten' up by my aunty since the day he married her. My aunty is very fierce. Remember? But when my uncle lost his temper, he meant it. Even tiger-mother (my aunty) will become a kitten for once. Hee hee. The other man is their only child. I still remember how we bulled him when he was young. He was anput 4 or 5 years old where we are ranging from 8 to 12 years old. Because our aunty is very strict with us, so whenever we had opportunity, we will make him cry to revenge. Ha Ha, very bad hor? Come to think of it and when we talked about it again, we laughed it off. We are now on good terms and we can click better now as everyone is adult now. Moreover, he has a galfren.

While we were half way through the dinner, 5th uncle suggested to take a (extended) family photo. I was so excited, I tell you..... We have not taken such family photo for donkey years. We started recalling and realised the last time we did that was almost 18 years ago ! I was still a PSLE kid then. We got so excited and cannot stop talking about it.
I will definitely upload that pic when I got it.
After the dinner, San, Kelly and me proceeded for 2nd round. We went for supper but mainly to catch up. It's such a sweet evening.
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