Sunday, April 29, 2007
Voice Back
I managed to regain my voice back within - 24 hours !
This is the fastest record ever since the first time I lost my voice. I'm also much taken by surprise ......
That day when my voice was lost, I actually drank more than I eat..... basically, I ate because the western medicine to be taken after food.
You will never believe what I have taken into my stomach that day..... Here's a rundown....from western to chinese to natural.....
1) Alvin called upom his doc's fren to get medication for me the night before when I was very uncomfortable in the late I had tablets for loss of voice, the reduce of phlegm and antibiotics to kill all the bacteria......I have to take them 3 times a day faithfully :<
2) In the late morning, Stella said a chinese 'liang teh' is good for regaining voice but she cannot recall the name in such a short time..... When lunchtime, she finally remember the name of the 'liang teh' and bought me a bottle of blacky water and it's called 'Lo Han Guo'..... I downed it within 2 hours..... and I felt my throat more smooth and a little voice is back though I can't speak a proper sentence by at least a word or two....
3) I went Robinsons to collect my reserved lingerie and the Wacoal (aunty) sales person was surprised I lost my voice because the first time she saw me, I was very chirpy ! So, she recommended me to drink starfruit + apples + a dash of salt - juice, minus the ice. The drink will help to 开声 after that. Well, there's no harm trying so on my way home, I decided to drop by TBP food court and help myself to a cup.... And instead.... you say miracle or what..... I manged to speak at least a sentence or two though my voice is still very coarse...
4) While on my way to the foodcourt, I passed by a chinese 药材店 and decided to buy a bottle of 'Lo Han Guo'.... when the lady realised I am on the verge of losing my voice (though it was lost already the night before), she strongly recommended me to drink 止咳茶 andshe insisted I must finished it that night and no way to keep it till the next day as the 'strength' of the drink will be greatly reduced..... So, 'quai quai' I finished the whole bottle, waited for 2 hours before I finished off a muffin and took the western medicine before heading to bed....
The next day, I awoke with my voice back - still coarse, but at least I can rattle off a conversation.... instruct the movers what to take first, what's not to move first, etc..... & I can also 'suan' people too..... ha ha ha........
So you ask me which one actually helps, I also dun know... but the next time if I lose my voice again, I'm going to try all the above again.....
Thursday, April 26, 2007
What A Way To Start Office Removal
Not 失身 , is 失声 ........
Today is also considered an important day for the office as we are making the final check to the shift to the new office tomorrow.
What a way to mark the move ! I can't talk as I like to talk..... I couldn't nag and scold people like I always do if things don't go my way...... I couldn't 'evil' people which will be much to the delight of my lurpy sista.... but it's okay, I got the other Evil Twin to help me out........
I really hate losing my voice which I'm am very prone to it since secondary school days..... This will happen to me at least once a year. I don't know how it will happen to me as there is always no symptons to it, like it just happen overnight.....
Anyway, it's a peace to many people and they are happy about it because this is the only time they can 'suan' me without me talking back or 'suaning' back even bigger time..... ha ha ha....
And I guess it's peace to my 'ang'. Whenever, I lost my voice, he will ask me numerous questions upteem times which expect me to answer in this condition and this really irritates me..... wait till I'm better and I regain my voice. He is going to get it from me !
Sunday, April 22, 2007
My Wedding Pictures (from Macau)
Location 2 - 灯塔 The Lighthouse
Tea Dress
And so, I ramaged through the hanging racks and walls for something I can find and shortlised 3 pieces to try. One was a red short dress with black netting over it. Sort of like it because I don't have a red number for my wedding since it's my favourite colour. 2nd was a bustier short purple dress with golden lace all over it. 3rd, I picked a cheongsam - inpsired piece, a thai silk pastel purple short cheongsam - kind.
The red - OUT. It's too body hugging at my hips. The lace bustier - not bad..... but..... my evening gown is already lace, my wedding gown i hang on till I tried the cheongsam one. Fits nicely except on the boops...coz I got not enough flesh lah....... And I realised.... hey this is the BM BOM dress that Fifi had ! Ha ha ha........
So which one I get ?????
Ta - Da ..................
It's the BOM BOM cheongsam !!!!!!
Feifei said I got not enough boobs, cannot show off the cleavage, as you are not suppose to wear anything inside..... but I dun care lah..... I will find a way to show some cleavage..... The design is simple, classic yet not modern........
I'll think of a way......
Wedding Cards
Watch out for my Golden 'bomb' in your letterbox ! Prepare your Ang Pow.....Kim Pow also can !
Hee Hee Hee.....
Super Dog
It's like a fast food restaurant and similar to MOS Burger for the way your food is prepared. They will only prepare your food when you order
It's Super Dog !!!!!!
This is a set meal and it set me back for $8.70. Gurp....... That's expensive for a fast food meal..... I like to try new things and hope it will not disappoint me.....
It was an Ice Lemon Tea and Super Dog promised home-made. Well, I don't know if it is really home-made BUT it tastes real tea - bitter yet a little sweetness, with the lemon added, it diffushes bitter, sweet and sourness taste. It does taste like own brewed tlemon tea and I can tell it is definitely not the same lemon tea you drank at other fast food outlets.
Next, the HOT DOG ! The bread is soft, with a strip of bacon in it, wrapping the beef hot dog, with cheese bits, fresh onion bits and special conocted chilli sauce on it. It is definitely every cent spent worth it !
Lastly, the fries ! Very crispy on the outside and soft and pippy hot on the inside. Definitely one of the best fries I've ever eaten and I couldn't stop thining of it the whole day......
Yummy !
Sunday, April 15, 2007
I'm Dying .... ....
dying from tummy bloatness...... dying from constipation ......
After 5 hours of packing in the office.... with constant sneezing as companion..... I'm caught the flu..... I think I caught the virus from my 'ang' who was feverish, runny nose and sore throat since last Tuesday......
Shit ! I should have stayed away from him.....
Now, I dying from a heav head and blocked with water dripping nose.....
Help .........
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
My PRICELESS Wedding Pressie

Yay ! See , isn't it nice ? My mentor compose a tune for me as my wedding present. And the tune is saved in this CD that was painstaking decorated by her.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Crispy Twisty

Friday, April 06, 2007
Mountains of Cartons

Chinese Dictionary

Monday, April 02, 2007
Golden Bangles
My mum: we hokkien har, marry daughter hor, your in-laws must give me pig's relatives know I marry my daughter.....but I don't want real pig's leg.... so 'mah fan' I still muz cut..... tell yr mother in law give me canned pig's leg can oready....
Me: Orhh........
My mum: & then hor, your in-laws muz also give you a pair of bangles.... that's our hokkien custom.......
Me: Muz it be gold ?
My mum: Of coz gold better lah........ but I know u dun like gold...u go and settle wif yr in-laws....
Oh well, I really dun like to wear gold.... I find their design so obiang and o-bit...... I have already warned my mum way way before to tell all my aunties not to buy me any gold for goodness sake and I'm thinking of how to tell me mum in law I dun want GOLD bangles.......
When my dear sista knew about this..... wah piang, I really kenna lor.....
Fifi : dun be a silly gal, of coz u have to get gold lah..... gold next time will fetch better value.... dun wear also nevermind...... muz be gold... dun be stupid......
Ok lor...... I better be a clever gal...... I think......
And so, without even I have to say anything..... my mum in law 'automatic' told me some weeks ago that she has to give me a pair of bangles according to our hokkien custom.... Avin is one too....
And so, I'm supposed to 'date' her so that I can pick the bangles of my choice.....
Last Saturday evening, I'm supposed to go to her place to discuss the namelist for the banquet, ended up, we went to a goldsmith shop.... She even know better than me that which goldsmith shops has very modern design for gold........
So, we happliy went to IMM with 3 mens in toll standing outside the goldsmith shop as if they are bodyguards while we take our time to pick the choice.....
After filling both of my arms with GOLDEN bangles........ I shortlisted some of them and laid my eyes on this........

I find the design modern , means I can wear it anytime got people invite me go atas place to 'chiat tok'..... it is GOLD yet with stylish white gold to accompliment it........ and I'm happy bcoz I'm a clever gal.......
But seriously, this goldsmith really carries very modern design for gold and I fall in love with a pair of golden earring, so 'swee'.........
So now, I got to wait..... coz I'm supposed to receive a pair..... goldsmith said got to go factory to collect 1 more for me......
My GOLD bangle 'swee' boh ????
My Seamtress

The Evening Gown