My mum: we hokkien har, marry daughter hor, your in-laws must give me pig's relatives know I marry my daughter.....but I don't want real pig's leg.... so 'mah fan' I still muz cut..... tell yr mother in law give me canned pig's leg can oready....
Me: Orhh........
My mum: & then hor, your in-laws muz also give you a pair of bangles.... that's our hokkien custom.......
Me: Muz it be gold ?
My mum: Of coz gold better lah........ but I know u dun like gold...u go and settle wif yr in-laws....
Oh well, I really dun like to wear gold.... I find their design so obiang and o-bit...... I have already warned my mum way way before to tell all my aunties not to buy me any gold for goodness sake and I'm thinking of how to tell me mum in law I dun want GOLD bangles.......
When my dear sista knew about this..... wah piang, I really kenna lor.....
Fifi : dun be a silly gal, of coz u have to get gold lah..... gold next time will fetch better value.... dun wear also nevermind...... muz be gold... dun be stupid......
Ok lor...... I better be a clever gal...... I think......
And so, without even I have to say anything..... my mum in law 'automatic' told me some weeks ago that she has to give me a pair of bangles according to our hokkien custom.... Avin is one too....
And so, I'm supposed to 'date' her so that I can pick the bangles of my choice.....
Last Saturday evening, I'm supposed to go to her place to discuss the namelist for the banquet, ended up, we went to a goldsmith shop.... She even know better than me that which goldsmith shops has very modern design for gold........
So, we happliy went to IMM with 3 mens in toll standing outside the goldsmith shop as if they are bodyguards while we take our time to pick the choice.....
After filling both of my arms with GOLDEN bangles........ I shortlisted some of them and laid my eyes on this........

I find the design modern , means I can wear it anytime got people invite me go atas place to 'chiat tok'..... it is GOLD yet with stylish white gold to accompliment it........ and I'm happy bcoz I'm a clever gal.......
But seriously, this goldsmith really carries very modern design for gold and I fall in love with a pair of golden earring, so 'swee'.........
So now, I got to wait..... coz I'm supposed to receive a pair..... goldsmith said got to go factory to collect 1 more for me......
My GOLD bangle 'swee' boh ????
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