Mentor : Want to eat mua chee ?
Me : Mua Chee ...... ????
Mentor : My friend gave to me. You open......
Me : Huh ? your fren give u ? Then u open lah....
Mentor : u open.....
Me : cannot ! you open !!!
Mentor : u open lah !!!!!!
Me : Ai yo ! I open... I open ......
' Huh ? How come got 'Xuang Xi' ?? Mua Chee in a Precious Moments box ??? ' I thought to myself when the scarf was undone and the box is staring at me while it laid on my lap.

Oops ! Dun tell me it's the disc ........

Yay ! See , isn't it nice ? My mentor compose a tune for me as my wedding present. And the tune is saved in this CD that was painstaking decorated by her.
I am very touched and I fell so blessed and blissful....... The tune is lovely, romantic and soothing.... she got the inspiraton for the opening of the tune from the date of my wedding.... it's juz so mine and I'm so grateful deep down my heart for the effort she had put in.
So, pull your ears big big and catch the tune during the banquet !
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