After learning how to manage complains...... I wanted to complain.... the session seems to be a bit draggy and too long..... hope they can look into adhering to the time as that participants dun have to go hungry like me.....
After 'brushing' the pile of mess, I plonked into work and soon I got to clear the mess and discovered a smilely face looking at me from the side table..... hee hee hee.... my first Valentine's Day present.... from my mentor !!!!! So cute !!!!! It's a cookie !!!!!

And lying beneath it, was a brown envelope with many CNY bessing stickers on it......

I ripped it opened and found a L-shaped file in it. I was so delighted ! Because I was just thinking a day ago that I must go to the bookstore to get myself a file to keep all those papers that it going to pile during the wedding preparation.... I was giggling to myself while I held on to the file thinking is my mentor 'reading' my mind.... hee hee hee......

She is also so kind that she is going to compose me a song as my wedding present. I was so touched once again..... She had did one as my 3-0 birthday present last year. This kind of gift is so priceless as it is tailor made for you. I mean you can go and tailor made clothing or cabinent... but nothing compared to a piece of music..... which is so yours as no one can copy it..... I'm so overwhelmed and appreciative of her efforts !
ha ha ha..... somehow, I felt so blessed..... eh...... so 'lomantic' also right...... like some love story that the boy wrote a song for the gal.....blah blah blah.... so sweet hor..... ha ha ha.....
And then, my 'ang' called and kept to his promise to drive me home this evening because I bought bak kua from Lay Hong and they are too heavy for me to lugg them home by bus.... However, instead, he is going to fetch me somewhere else..... He juz bought in a car for export and needed someone to drive it home for him.... And so it's me !
Oh dear...... I've never drive in any of his bought-in cars because they are all for making money and all of them are continental luxury cars. Given my skills of driving, I dun dare to 'touch' them. But today, due to time constraint. I had to do it for him......
Stress ! My friend. The last time I drove was almost 8 months ago, I think, or even longer...... Very Stress !!!!!! And the best part is, to drive from Ubi to Havelock.... Hello..... eberyone knows the chaotic traffic at Ubi after office hours and my 'ang' actually dare to delegate such a heavy resposibility to someone who drive so recklessly ...... ha ha ha..... buddha bless lor.....
It is a pretty orange 2-door mercedes..... suitable for a lady driver (not me).... anyway, I'm already there..... 'die die' also have to drive it home right........ So I drove it behind my 'ang' who is leading in front in another car.... so I 'gate crashed' into the roads.... I can feel my plams right legs shivering .... ha ! But after 10 mins on the road, I gained momentum but still reckless..... I can imagine if my boss is driving somewhere near me.... he will definitely going to scold this idiotic driver (that's me) 10 times more then he did everyday on the road. By the way, he is a very impatient driver....
And so after travelling on ECP, I got home safely but my worst fear finally arrived.... Eh ! I cannot park leh..... I dun know how to park backside in...... so I 'head' in first lor..... also jiat lat..... in out in out so many times, still slanted..... so I gave up ...... shut down the engine.... and got off the car.... I dun care liao..... I'm going to be a inconsiderate driver for an evening..... and sickening - ly, I took pictures of my parking skills..... not bad right.... still park within the lot leh, though a bit too right lah.... BUT I DUN CARE .......

1 comment:
HAHAHAHAAHAAH!!!! So farnie!!!! If I was in another car behind you, I sure will curse and swear, "ANOTHER LADY DRIVER!! ANOTHER LADY MERC DRIVER!!! Sia-suay we ladies lor!!!!"
Don't make we women lose face leh, sister......
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