There were supposed to be 4 of us….. but ended up only 3 went for the walk. Feifei had to help a colleague to flag off a overland drive holiday and so she woke up the earliest. 4am !!!!!! *** Yawn ***
Fifi woke up at 5.30am and apparently her Mimi wanted to come along, but Fifi decided not to wake her up instead. Luckily, auntie never come. Otherwise, we would be running after her while she walks. At 70, she is fit as fiddle and I really salute her as she walks faster and can walk longer than many youngsters. One of them is me…… And also, I think she would not have allowed us to play cheat…..
The Walk was scheduled to flag off at 8am…. Fifi and me happened to be on the same train and we had to walk about 500m to the park from the MRT station. We are late but nevermind, I thought we could have just simply join the walk immediately and end the exercise by 9am. But to our BIG DISMAY, the Walk was not flagged off at 8am….instead, there’s what aerobic performance, VIP (MP) giving a speech and a warm – up session …… by then, the sun was already shining brightly and the heat is felt…… Both of us were so lethargic and were grumbling all the time……

Finally, Feifei came after her flagged off and were surprised it had not even started. She thought she can ‘siam’ the Walk and just collect the goodies bag.
Eventually, it began at almost 8.45am and the Walk was supposed to be 3km, but we take short cuts, cut over the field, cross the bridge. I think we did 1.5km in the end……
And then, it was time to collect the goodies bags. It was totally insane of the organisation to keep the people waiting in line with some under the hot sun, delaying the giveaways which I simply do not understand why and what they are waiting for. And I thought they had to wait for the VIP to come and flagged off the goodies bags :< Fifi and me kena-ed again from Feifei. She accused us of bian-ed her again which we innocently denied this time…….. The Walk wasn’t a big scale event from I seen from the mass of the crowd, luckily a lot of CCs and grassroots clubs organised groups to come of the event…… Oh well, at least we perspired a bit and gained some healthy Vit D on a Saturday morning. We had teochew porridge for breakfast and strolled to People’s Park (new) Market for some shampoo shopping by Feifei, who was also being peer pressured to buy a fantastic deal of a dress at $28…. Heehee….. After this I rushed to my hair salon to give me hair a new coat of colour as I flying off in the evening to carry out an important mission !
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