Monday, August 20, 2007

Honeymoon in Europe : Summary

After the whirlwind trip to Bali and a super busy week in the office, I departed on the following Saturday to London to embark on my honeymoon..... Got a good deal from company and so to recipocrate, I must observe every bit of how the tour is run and give structured comments when I returned. So again, you can say it's a 50 50 trip again. Hey, why not ! Working cum holiday, how many people can do that.....if you are not working in the travel industry...haa haa haa......

Morning flight to Europe was really terrible and it made worse if no sufficient things are in placed to keep yourself entertained onboard. Upon arrival doesn't gave you agood mpression of the countries make me wonder is the decision correct to choose to land in this spot.

Coupled with good weather and bad weather has their fair share of the trip, bringing us from happy to sad ...... lousy breakfast that I hated at times ....... laziness of me got into my time and thus not able to enjoy sumptous breakfast ...... how nice it was to enjoy spicy thai food in a thoroughly wet and cold evening.

What goes up must come down theory..... everything you think is good will have its fair share of bad..... whether it is the food, hotel, meal, sightseeing, etc... etc... More importantly, how you make the best out of it and has a good time. Whether it double SGD or not, I shop and buy.... and when it tripled SGD, I still continued to shop and buy... haa haa haa.....

And this is one holiday that Alvin and I had not even a single tiff, not even the slightest one WHICH is often RARE......

Not forgeting a pleasant surprise and am still waiting for it to happen....

More details of the trip is coming up soon once I've sorted out the pictures and videos..... Learnt a lot and wanted to share... more importantly, putting down traces of my life and travel so that when I grow old and lost my memory....there's a place for me to go and pick them up....

1 comment:

Kai_Bros said...

how come no pix? wait until my neck grows long already.