Sunday, January 06, 2008

Macau AGAIN...

In another couple of hours, I have to get myself prepare for another trip to Macau. Same destination, see the same things, gonna eat the same food but - with different travel companions. This time, the trip was organised by the community that I was in as an volunteer.
This will be my 5th trip there and I'm gonna to take it slow even though the first 2 days of the trip is packed with many activities. Work has taken a toll on me for the past 2 weeks, waking up in the middle of the night thinking I had missed out something at work or jostling throughout the whole night in bed, trying very hard to catch a wink, without fail my mind is ramaging what has to be completed the next day at work.
In fact, it's a wrong time to be away from work this month as office is bustled with so many activities and events, all happening in the 1 month. Nevertheless, I have passed on my work to my dear colleagues and so I gonna jolly enjoy myself for the next 4 days, catch up as many beauty sleep as possible. Hopefully, my breakout will be gone by the time I am home and get myself into the busy-ness again.

See ya !

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