Saturday, April 08, 2006

Hard Work = Relax

wow ! it has been exactly a week that I haven't been blogging !

well, the week wasn't pretty stress and busy, just pretty lazy.

had my complimentary PT this afternoon and boy, it was a real workout. considering whether to say a PT programme as there's always someone to push you to your max and in addition, plan a programme for you to attain your desired achievements. but it is expensive and sort of exceed my budget. Hmmm mh, let me consider.......

Tried a new facial too. It is known to 'contain' TCM methods and it's the first time I tried lympathic face message. It is proven to detox the face and body system. I never know the facial was so long. almost 2hrs which caught me by suprise !but it is good as I feel my $$ spent worthwile.. heehee.....

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