Saturday, June 02, 2007

'Ang Ang' 'Ang Ang'

It's all so 'ang ang' !!!

Last Saturday we did the traditionally part of the wedding with Alvin & 1 of his aunties to bring stuff over to my place and then we exchange and he brought the things back to his place again.... I was so fascinated by what both my mum and mum-in-law prepared that I forgotten to take pictures ! There are oranges, martell, red candles, dried preserved oranges, turkish delight lookalike soft sweets, canned pork knuckles, cakes, and lot of things that I can't remember !

The whole exchange process actually did not go beyond half and hour, before you realised it, it's over....

Mum also prepared a tub-full for stuffs for me to bring home to symbolise I've married out and like mum gave daughter kind of dowry. All of them are in red, so 'ching chong' !!! There's a pair of chopsticks, spoons, cups, etc, etc ....

There's also a pair of oriental bedroom slippers that is so 'ang' that i quite like it. Mum said it used to be clogs and now they actually made so nice slippers.

Mum also got me a pair of lamp, but now it is battery operated and no longer oil lamp so it is very safe.....I'm not going to burn down the whole house. The instruction is I got to leave it on tomorrow all the way until the next morning..... There's a significance to it, but cannot remember it now.....

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