Monday, November 05, 2007

Journey like a lifetime

I lived 5 bus stops away from the office. The journey usually takes about 5 mins usually. In the morning peak hour tme, the maximum it takes was about 20 minutes at most, even on rainy days.

This morning, it just took forever to reach the office. Traffic is usually packed. There were at least on 2 occasions that the bus did not move at all and I saw the traffic lights changed to red TWICE. This is the most terrible mrning ride I EVER EVER had in my whole working life.

I purposely left the house early so that I can be in the office early to clear my work, but no ! I am still late ! This is incredible, for people who know how near I lived from the CBD will be shocked to know I took 40 MINUTES to reach the bus stop at the office.

By the time I arrived at the office, I have no mood for everything. While I was running the weekly reports, deejay from our national radio reported the massive bummer to bummer traffic jam from Havelock to Church St is due because of a roadwork near Chruch St.

The bloody authority got no better thing to do on a Monday morning is it ?????

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