Sunday, April 22, 2007

My Wedding Pictures (from Macau)

My wedding pictures taken at 4 locations in Macau have finally arrived ! I'm supposed to send a courier to pick them up but my dear brother went Macau for a holiday. How coincidence and nice of him to offer to pick it up for me ! So, I ask Joan to assisted to double up the job and my brother picked them up for me !

Here are some of the pictures that I taken (with my camera) off from the albums. It's inconvenient to bring around and so I've decided to show them here.... hee hee.....

Please dun laugh at me...... the aunty......

Location 1 - 星星公园

Location 2 - 灯塔 The Lighthouse

Location 3 - 大三巴 aka St. Paul's Cathedral
Location 4 - 婆仔屋

The package also come with a signing scroll and I particularly like it a lot......
We were actually told to walk towards the camera, looking in front, when tis pic was taken. But because the dress was too long and I kept stepping on it when I walked. So, I kept giggling and screaming to Alvin that I'm going to trip anytime and he rebarked laughing, ' You better dun fall, your dress is going to fall and you are going to look so ugly ! '
And the pic actually turned out well much to our surprise !

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